EIL Ecuador working hand in hand with the Embassy of the United States

The follow-up workshops of the SIT Best Practices in TESOL program, which certified twenty public school English teachers from the Highlands and Amazon Regions, are taking place at the different provinces where the certified English teachers work.

The workshop attendants, who are also English teachers, have been invited to learn new methodologies that they can implement at the respective schools where they work.

These dynamic practices lead to student-centered English teaching. The main objective of this English teacher training is renewing the methods that are used in language teaching. Over 150 teachers from the Highlands and Amazon Regions have benefited from this project, financed by the Embassy of the United States and implemented by EIL Ecuador. Adeline De Angelis, EIL Ecuador´s English Director and Justin Trullinger, SIT TESOL Trainer, have implemented the follow-up workshops.


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